Box Office Challenge
The game where you're the head of your own movie studio. Your studio is given a large stack of money to spend in a marketplace filled with upcoming blockbusters, sleepers, clearance and limited titles. The studio that earns the most grosses by the end of the game wins.
This is a live look at the Box Office Challenge Marketplace. To get a better understanding of how the game works, please review the Rules.
You must be a registered member to sign up for this game. If you are already a member, click here to log in.
If you aren't already a member, it's super easy to become one, all you need to provide is a legit e-mail address, screen name, name and location.
That's all. Click here to register.
Once you are registered come back to this link or follow the link from the home page to EZ's Box Office Challenge, name your studio and you are ready to start.
The Marketplace |
Available Movies
Release Date