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Release Date: 02/11/2005
Rating: PG-13
Starring: N/A
Synopsis: N/A
Trailer: N/A
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Anticipation Level: 3.21
Opening Weekend Prediction 21-25 mil.
Micro Review
Your Grade:  B+
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Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
An amusing comedy - movieman1234567890 Funny, but lacking that something special to make it great. - SolC9 Predictable ending but have fun getting there. - Silverflicks
Will Smith proves to be funny yet again! - Alligator Al kevin james steals the movie but overall great comedy - racer2235 It was okay. For some reason I was expecting better. - movieman
Rent it. Has a few moments when it rises above Hollywood factory - Janazz Very enjoyable romantic-esque comedy. James steals the show. - Yellow Jacket super rom-com...Kevin James' scenes are great! - zkeeper99
Smith is good as usual. - Wario Clever fun film! - Ivilace Smith shines in this. - Darunia
Perfect romcom fo the season of love - Mutant04 Contrived, but mildly funny, effective two hours. - FullEyes Predictable rom-com - movieman20062007
some funny parts... some real corny parts! worth your time - air man Funny parts are all in preview, but still wothwhile. - The EZ1
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