Long before Twitter, EZ1 Productions introduced Micro Reviews, which are simply movie reviews in 65 characters or less. You'd be surprised at how much can be said about a movie in just one sentence. To create your own Micro Reviews, log in and search for a movie title to the right.
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Sex and the City: The Movie Felt too much like a really long TV reunion special. - The EZ1 |
Sky High I enjoyed this more than I want to admit... - Silverflicks |
Boogeyman Worst horror movie in a while. - FullEyes |
Lady in the Water M. Night gives us the finger, and we give it right back. Horrible - FullEyes |
Sin City Amazing in every way possible. - movieman |
Longest Yard, The predictable, brutal, violent. some humor, but often forced. eh. - moviedude |
Incredibles, The Pixar's version of the Fantastic Four. Good. - The EZ1 |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Funny but the Vogons were terrible. Def's quirky perf is tops. - macphisto6 |
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason New director makes bridget really ridiculous - Janazz |
Skeleton Key, The That voodoo that Kate Hudson do...is pretty good. - The EZ1 |
Sin City Visually stunning! Style makes up for lack of substance. - Draxhall |
Grudge, The Its fun but still uneven. - Darunia |
Kinsey Surpasses any biopic I've ever seen. - macphisto6 |
Because I Said So Nice romcom with good acting & a fairly original & funny story. - movieman |
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Fun. Great Chemistry - movieman20062007 |
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire too many characters left out - good but a letdown. - moviedude |
Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.