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Million Dollar Baby
Release Date: 12/15/2004 (Limited)
Rating: PG-13
Starring: N/A
Synopsis: N/A
Trailer: N/A
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Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
Great movie but the ending was less-than-stellar. - georgenutt The best movie of 2004. - Rygar1126 A masterpiece in every way. Eastwood is the man. - FullEyes
Pretty good boxing drama, and I dislike boxing films! - Ivilace Pretty good movie here! - Wario Good performances and directing, didnt deserve pic though - Servo
Interesting film, a bit depressing though. Freeman is great. - SolC9 Wow, ending hits you like a left hook from outta nowhere. - macphisto6 Eastwood’s best film yet, one of the best films of the year. - Draxhall
I really liked this! - The Aviator totally unexpected ending.... wow - air man Overated yet still good. - Donez
Excellent performance by Swank but unstting movie. - Darunia It was good - Cebu Excellent, deserved best pic! - Gurl In the Boots
Deserved its Oscar win. - Silverflicks Swank did a great performance! - Alligator Al blasts contender cliche. freeman has the best lines. - moviedude
Boxing sequences kicked ass. Good story telling. - The EZ1 Please. I wish Swank had knocked me out first. - Daniele Eastwood's work is always interesting - Janazz
Utterly Powerful - racer2235 My favorite American film from 2004. Amazing. - movieman Clint Eastwood's best piece of work - Norman Tinio
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