Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
Was actully good. - Donez |
A very impressive directorial debut. A beautiful look at LA. - movieman |
Amazing, but has way too much going on at once. - Yellow Jacket |
Great cast and acting. One of the year's best so far. - SolC9 |
the best film of 2005! nuff said! - Nelmsey01 |
Simply one of the finest written and acted films this year. - weekendwarrior |
SHOULD WIN OSCAR. SPECTACULAR - movieman20062007 |
surprising, well written and acted slice into l.a. deserves noms - moviedude |
Overated. - Ivilace |
Oprah loved it. Take that however you want. - The EZ1 |
A gripping look at the prejudices that lingers within us all. - Draxhall |
Well acted but a bit overated - Darunia |
Both insightfull and darkly humourous look race. Well acted. - macphisto6 |
good but not great..... impressive acting - air man |
Deserves to win Oscar - movieman1234567890 |
great movie, undeserving of best pic tho - georgenutt |
Good thriller, not as good as people are saying though. - Gurl In the Boots |
Only a privelaged dolt could view racism in such rote terms. - FullEyes |
Dark dynamic rifts on suburban isolation and race. - Janazz |