Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
Badly made and edited clone of Prizzi's Honor should be skipped. - Buscemi |
best summer film ever...ok maybe not but very close. - macphisto6 |
I was expecting more after hearing rave reviews from here but... - Silverflicks |
Fun. Great Chemistry - movieman20062007 |
Good timing/crisp delivery covers a lot. Fun. - Janazz |
perfectly of the better action flicks in awhile - zkeeper99 |
A fun, entertainig movie. Funny and a perfect Summer movie. - Rygar1126 |
great play on m/f relationships. tounge in cheek w/tons o action - moviedude |
Seems to drag along, but it is okay for what it is. - rodrino |
Nice idea, but way too overlong; feels bland after first scene - FullEyes |
fun - Darunia |
Great summer popcorn flick. Nearly perfect for what it is. - SolC9 |
Funny and action packed. I loved it. - movieman1234567890 |
perfect summer movie - air man |
jolie knows how to reel em in - georgenutt |
clever and original - racer2235 |
Better then I was expecting! - Donez |
Overrated. I was bored throughout the film. - Yellow Jacket |
Not as great as I wanted it to be, but a fun romp at the movies. - movieman |
Thoroughly entertaining, a fun summer popcorn movie. - Draxhall |
Drags on too much. Could have been much better. - The EZ1 |