Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
Ok, that's all - movieman20062007 |
A few laughs, but relatively empty. A shallow satire at best. - FullEyes |
Not a bad Jim Carey effort. - Silverflicks |
Not among Carrey's funniest, but still a solid comedy. - SolC9 |
Interesting premise, poorly executed.Leoni is good, Carrey is not - movieman |
Solid comedy would've worked better without Tea Leoni. - georgenutt |
Funny movie. Tea Leoni is funny. Jim Carrey is funny but annoying - movieman1234567890 |
kinda silly & outrageous, but funny - gr8 thankyous at end. - moviedude |
the usual - air man |
very predictable but does have its moments of laughter - racer2235 |
a timely piece of slapstick but not very memorable. - macphisto6 |
As much fun as spending the weekend in a concentration camp. - Yellow Jacket |
Plenty of laughs, but not the strongest story. - The EZ1 |