Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
Much better than anticipated. Thoroughly enjoyed this. - movieman |
Depp and Hilgmore are the reasons to see this! - Alligator Al |
Good acting. - Wario |
Fun with great acting but kinda boring - movieman1234567890 |
Worse of the 5 noms, but still a really good film! - Ivilace |
The tearjerker of the year. - FullEyes |
Will melt even the coldest heart, thoroughly entertaining! - Draxhall |
Light and sweet - Janazz |
Good but not great - movieman20062007 |
I cried like a wee baby. Do not consume alchohol before viewing. - Daniele |
Well done its like seabiscut! - Darunia |
A charming little film. - macphisto6 |
Clap your hands if you believe in fairies. - The EZ1 |
The end is a little sappy, but in all an excellent movie. - SolC9 |
Very interesting take on the subject matter. Johnny Depp Awesome! - Mutant04 |
How can you resist Depp? - Gurl In the Boots |