Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
Great, original thriller - latigo2011 |
Great movie keeps the action coming - racer2235 |
Best caper movie since Italian Job...very funny!! - zkeeper99 |
Captain Von Trapp helped the Nazis after all? - The EZ1 |
A perfectly atypical heist movie, more about people than a heist. - FullEyes |
good movie, great movie! - Self Inc. |
never forgets to be funny, good mystery and tension - gr8 perfs. - moviedude |
Entertaining heist movie. Great performances from the leads. - Draxhall |
Fine addition to the heist genre - with a definite Lee stamp. - macphisto6 |
A Well Crafted Thriller - movieman20062007 |
Spike Lee does it again! It could've been cut down by a 1/2 hour. - Yellow Jacket |
Fun and entertaining - The Wolfpack |
definatly legit - air man |
An intense & entertaining movie w/ great preformances by 3 leads. - movieman1234567890 |