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Release Date: 09/23/2005
Rating: PG-13
Starring: N/A
Synopsis: N/A
Trailer: N/A
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Anticipation Level: 4.20
Opening Weekend Prediction 21-25 mil.
Micro Review
Your Grade:  B-
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Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
Better then Red Eye. - Donez Like Red Eye. Only with a script, a plot, and better acting. - Daniele Not her best work of course, but enjoyed her performance I did. - Silverflicks
Better then I was expecting but still so so - Darunia 1st 2/3 are taut, last 1/3 isn't crisp, but holds film together. - FullEyes Maybe Foster should have chosen a different movie... - Rygar1126
No Panic Room, but not as laughable as Red Eye. - macphisto6 Good suspense thriller movie - racer2235 Pretty fun! Foster is good, and the ending isn't that bad. - movieman
eh...at least Boromir was in it! - zkeeper99 jody foster equal in action films is steven segal - air man foster is always great, as is bean. great setup & poor denouement - moviedude
Great first half ruined by lame plot device in the second half. - Draxhall Meh. Predictable and slow. - Yellow Jacket It started out okay but ended with a bang. Foster is great actor - movieman20062007
One of the worst Foster films I've ever seen. - The EZ1
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