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There is no registration deadline, but the first weekend of predictions is March 2-4, 2018.
Register at www.ez1productions.com/pick5/registration.html.

Since there is a lack of interest/players, I will run the game, but there will be no prize for 1st place.

Note: All prizes are available thanks to donations from studio owners. If you would like to make a contribution please follow this link:
The Game:
Each player will try to correctly choose each weekend's top five movies and their grosses.

Number of Studios:
A player can only play one studio per game. Any player caught with more than one studio will be disqualified.

How to Play:
On the Prediction page, choose which movies you think will finish 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th for the weekend from the drop-down menus. Then predict how much each movie will make, rounded to the nearest million, from the drop-down menu next to each title. Scores will be awarded for correctly guessing the top five movies and their grosses. The player that accumulates the highest score at the end of the game wins.

Placement Scoring:
Points for correct placement:
Correctly choosing the #1 movie of the weekend = 5 points
Correctly choosing the #2 movie of the weekend = 5 points
Correctly choosing the #3 movie of the weekend = 5 points
Correctly choosing the #4 movie of the weekend = 5 points
Correctly choosing the #5 movie of the weekend = 5 points

For movies that finish with the same gross (rounded to the nearest million), total grosses will be the tie breaker to determine placement.

Prediction Scoring:
For correctly placed movies, points are also awarded for predicted grosses. All predicted and actual grosses are rounded to the nearest million. If you didn't correctly place a movie, you will receive 0 points for that prediction.
Correctly guessing the gross of the #1 movie of the weekend = 12 points
Correctly guessing the gross of the #2 movie of the weekend = 10 points
Correctly guessing the gross of the #3 movie of the weekend = 8 points
Correctly guessing the gross of the #4 movie of the weekend = 6 points
Correctly guessing the gross of the #5 movie of the weekend = 4 points

For every million that the prediction is off of actual, subtract 1 point from the total possible prediction points of the correctly placed movie. If your prediction is off by over the total possible prediction points for the correctly placed movie = 0 points. Example: If you correctly placed the #3 movie and your prediction was off by more than 8 million, you would receive 0 points for your prediction.

Sample Scoring:
Predictions Actual Placement
1 Gone Girl (24 mil) Gone Girl (23 mil) 5 11
2 The Boxtrolls (15 mil) Annabelle (16 mil) 0 0
3 The Equalizer (12 mil) The Equalizer (15 mil) 5 5
4 Annabelle (11 mil) The Boxtrolls (14 mil) 0 0
5 The Maze Runner (7 mil) The Maze Runner (11 mil) 5 0

-correct placement of #1 movie = 5 points
-no points for getting the #2 movie incorrect.
-correct placement of #3 movie = 5 points
-no points for getting the #4 movie incorrect.
-correct placement of #5 movie = 5 points
-#1 gross points = 12 - [actual (23) - prediction (24)] = 11 points
-#2 gross points = 0 because it wasn't correctly placed.
-#3 gross points = 8 - [actual (15) - prediction (12)] = 5 points
-#4 gross points = 0 because it wasn't correctly placed.
-#5 gross points = 4 - [actual (11) - prediction (7)] = 0 points
Total points for the weekend = 31 points.

Duration of the Game:
The game lasts for ten weeks. The first weekend of releases is March 2-4, 2018 and the last weekend is May 4-6, 2018.

Holiday Weekends:
All weekends will be three day weekends consisting of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday EXCEPT for the following holiday weekend(s):

The deadline for all predictions is 12pm (Noon) CST of the deadline date listed on the top of the Prediction page.

12pm CST = 10am PST (-2hrs); 11am MST (-1hr); 1pm EST (+1hr); 6pm in the London, England (+6hrs); 7pm in Paris, France (+7hrs); 9pm in Athens, Greece (+8hrs); 12am in Jakarta, Indonesia (+12hrs); 1am the next day in Hong Kong (+13hrs).
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